Mysteries and legends of the blue lotus flower FEELMarjolein brugmanJuly 26, 2023Calming, skin care, iol, health, scent, olfactoryComment
10 Common Misconceptions in Reforming your Body. MOVEMarjolein brugmanJuly 26, 2023redformer mistakes, resistance, breathing, body placement Comments
Aeropilates affects your Spirit FEELMarjolein brugmanJuly 25, 2023chi, breath, flow, spirit, mind/bodyComment
Can low impact exercise make a difference to your fitness health? MOVEMarjolein brugmanJuly 14, 2023cardiovascular health, heart health, impacty, low impact, joints, aeropilatesComment
Understanding your Microbiome: tips to make it healthier EATMarjolein brugmanJuly 11, 2023probiotics, prebiotics, microbiome, gut health, fiber, immunity, lentil stew Comment
Footwork on the reformer MOVEMarjolein brugmanApril 16, 2023Pelvic alignment, warmup footwork, lower body Comment