Pull-up bar Series
It has been a decade where strengthening your abdominals became a fad and infomercials flooded TV with every conceivable crunch device, promising the enviable 6-pack.
Then came the pull-up bar, a muscle building contraption you attach to your door frame and hang from to create extreme upper body tone and definition.
The problem is that there is almost no-one other than Arnold Schwarzenegger that can lift their full body weight more than 5 times!!
Lying on the Aeropiltes, you can now achieve the same upper body strength using our Pull-up bar attachment whilst simultaneously strengthening your core.
The usual rules of Aeropilates apply when performing these exercises with the Pull-up bar: more resistance will challenge the entire upper body (biceps, triceps, pectoral muscles and trapezius).
Focus on exhaling on the exertion and initiating the movement from behind the shoulder blades.
Your legs in the chair position will engage your core which can be exaggerated by extending the legs to 90 or 45 degrees.
The bar has a narrow grip and a wider grip which alters the muscles groups employed; the grip can be over or under hand, also altering the muscles that are used.
Personally I like to use the cardio rebounder at the time I am using the Pull-up bar as a way to jump up to grab the bar. I like to use light resistance to begin - which you can increase as you see fit.
Lie on the Aeropilates reformer on light resistance. Jump away from the rebounder and grab the bar with an over hand grip in the narrow grip position on the bar.
Bring your legs into the chair position to begin. Inhale and, as you exhale, pull your body up towards the bar by bending your elbows, keeping your elbows in and close to your body; inhale and extend your arms.
To challenge your core you can also extend your legs on each repetition or you can keep them extended whilst you repeat 12 reps.
Let go of the bar and land with soft knees on the rebounder.
Lie on the Aeropialates reformer on light resistance. Jump away from the rebounder and grab the bar with an overhand grip in the narrow grip position on the bar.
Bring your legs into the chair position to begin. Inhale and, as you exhale, pull your body up towards the bar by bending your elbows, keeping your elbows in and close to your body; inhale and extend your arms.
To challenge your core you can also extend your legs on each repetition or you can keep them extended whilst you repeat 12 reps.
Let go of the bar and land with soft knees on the rebounder.
Lie on the Aeropialtes reformer on light resistance. Jump away from the rebounder and grab the bar with an underhand grip in the wider grip position on the bar.
Bring your legs into the chair position to begin. Inhale and, as you exhale, pull your body up towards the bar by bending your elbows, keeping your elbows in and close to your body; inhale and extend your arms.
To challenge your core you can also extend your legs on each repetition or you can keep them extended whilst you repeat 12 reps.
Let go of the bar and land with soft knees on the rebounder.
Lie on the Aeropilates reformer on light resistance. Jump away from the rebounder and grab the bar with an overhand grip in the wider grip position on the bar.
Bring your legs into the chair position to begin. Inhale and, as you exhale, pull your body up towards the bar by bending your elbows, keeping your elbows in and close to your body, inhale and extend your arms.
To challenge your core you can also extend your legs on each repetition or you can keep them extended whilst you repeat 12 reps.
Let go of the bar and land with soft knees on the rebounder.
Kneel one the platform of your Aeropilates. Pull on the straps to facilitate grabbing the bar with an overhand wider grip. Flatten your back. Inhale and, as you exhale, pull on the bar bending your elbows; inhale and extend your arms.
Repeat 12 times.
Kneel on the platform of your Aeropialtes. Pull on the straps to facilitate grabbing the bar with an underhand wider grip. Flatten your back. Inhale and, as you exhale, pull on the bar bending your elbows, inhale and extend your arms.
Repeat 12 times.
If you use the pull-up bar regularly you will see an increase in your upper body strength and definition quickly.

Marjolein Brugman is the founder of lighterliving and Aeropilates. “lighterliving is a movement and lifestyle choice we can all make. Let’s make it simple – make one decision a day to be better and watch the small steps lead to big changes. Eat smart, stay active, and you’ll live to feel a lighter life."