Understanding your Microbiome: tips to make it healthier EATMarjolein brugmanJuly 11, 2023probiotics, prebiotics, microbiome, gut health, fiber, immunity, lentil stew Comment
Our gut microbiome affects our hormones EATMarjolein brugmanSeptember 13, 2021gut health, microbiome, probiotics, estrogen, hormones, inflammationComment
The Amazing Benefits of Eggs especially around Easter EATMarjolein brugmanMarch 31, 2021eggs, weightloss, vitamin D, eyesightComment
Vitamin D and Covid 19 EATMarjolein brugmanDecember 8, 2020Vitamin D, sunshine, immune system, Covid 19Comment
The why for Intermittent Fasting EATMarjolein brugmanOctober 16, 2020weight loss, detoxification, blood pressure, anti-agingComment
Healing benefits of celery juice EATMarjolein brugmanOctober 10, 2020cleanse, celery juice, detox, antioxidant, digestionComment
Matcha: my new morning ritual EATMarjolein brugmanOctober 5, 2020antioxidant, anti-aging, energy, focusComment
Magnesium EATMarjolein brugmanFebruary 1, 2019osteoporosis, high blood pressure, magnesium, cramps, constipationComment
Detox EATMarjolein brugmanSeptember 28, 2018detoxification, antioxidants, sauna, tea, skin brushing, aeropilatesComment