Constant natural toxin removal

Natural detoxification is occurring all the time through our liver, skin, colon and kidneys however we are being so inadvertently drowned in poisons that it is important to make an extra special effort to become aware of how we can mitigate this threatening state.

Personally I try to do the following:

Drink 8-10 glasses of pure water a day (not in plastic bottles), to flush my kidneys

I have a home filtration system at the source to provide clean water.

I sweat in an infra red sauna at least twice a week and dry brush my skin followed by a cold shower.

I eat only clean, unprocessed, organic food.

I eat fiber in the form of green and coloured vegetables and take a binder at night to help eliminate toxins through my colon.

I exercise every day, building muscle and cardiovascular training to help my lymphatic system flush toxins.

I user only water, vinegar and eucalyptus oil when cleaning my house.

I avoid the dry cleaner.

I try not to connect with printer ink and leave my receipts behind at the store.

I try to use clean personal care which brings me to the amazing benefits of castor oil.

Marjolein Brugman written by Marjolein Brugman

Marjolein Brugman is the founder of lighterliving and Aeropilates. “lighterliving is a movement and lifestyle choice we can all make. Let’s make it simple – make one decision a day to be better and watch the small steps lead to big changes. Eat smart, stay active, and you’ll live to feel a lighter life."