How Aeropilates can help to build bone and combat osteoporosis as we age MOVEMarjolein brugmanMarch 1, 2025weigh bearing, osteoporosisComment
How I improved stress management... with my Aeropilates! - by Sebastiano “Bastian” FEEL, MOVESebastianoDecember 7, 2023stress, AeroPilates, wellbeing, wellnessComment
Breathing intuitively whilst doing Pilates MOVEMarjolein brugmanAugust 3, 2023breathing, breathwork, core stabilizationComment
How Eve's Lunge improves your lower back and SI joint MOVEMarjolein brugmanAugust 3, 2023SI joint, hip flexor, stretch, hamstring stretchComment
There is science to support AeroPilates MOVEMarjolein brugmanJuly 31, 2023clinical tiral, study, weight loss, stress, strength, aeropilates, flexibility, core strengthComment
10 Common Misconceptions in Reforming your Body. MOVEMarjolein brugmanJuly 26, 2023redformer mistakes, resistance, breathing, body placement Comments
Can low impact exercise make a difference to your fitness health? MOVEMarjolein brugmanJuly 14, 2023cardiovascular health, heart health, impacty, low impact, joints, aeropilatesComment