Aeropilates Stretching Sequence
You know how important it is to stretch your muscles: particularly those that attach to the pelvis and the ribs. If these muscles are long and supple you will be better able to stand with correct posture and spinal alignment and move with efficiency and grace.
Before you begin this or any exercise, check with your doctor.
Please remember that individual results may vary. Disclaimer
Hip Flexor Stretch (Eve’s Lunge)
AeroPilates machine on 1-2 cords
Stand to the left of your footbar, facing the front. Place your right knee on the platform, foot against the shoulder pad. Keep your torso erect and facing the front. Bend your left knee so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Exhale as you lower your hips to the floor and your right leg moves back until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip joint, inhale as you lift, exhale and move deeper into the lunge, inhale and lift and finally exhale and stretch.
With the weight in your standing foot, keeping the hips forward look up to the ceiling to stretch your abdominals. Return to the center and twist your shoulders away from the reformer to get deeper into the psoas.
Repeat this 3 times and on the other side.
Basic Hamstring and Hip Stretch
AeroPilates machine on 1-2 cords
Stand to the left of your footbar, facing the front. Place your right knee on the platform, foot against the shoulder pad. Keep your torso erect and facing the front. Bend your left knee so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Exhale as you push your right foot back until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip joint, inhale then exhale and straighten the left leg, feeling the stretch in the back of your hamstring a little more; inhale and return to the start position.
Repeat this 3 times and on the other side.
Piriformis Stretch
AeroPilates machine on 1 cord
Sit on your AeroPilates platform facing the front as close to the end as is comfortable, put both feet on the center of the footbar and straighten your legs. Place both hands behind you. Place your left ankle on your right knee. Inhale and as you exhale bend your right knee allowing the platform to return slightly and feeling the stretch in your buttock, piriformis and hip, inhale and as you exhale bend a little more feeling more of a stretch. Inhale, straighten your right leg and return to the start.
Repeat this 3 times and then on the other side.
Intermediate Hamstring Stretch (Monkey Stretch)
AeroPilates machine on 1 cord
Sit on your AeroPilates platform facing the front as close to the end as is comfortable, put both feet on the center of the footbar, your hands on the bar outside your feet and lower your torso over your legs. Inhale and as you exhale try to straighten your legs feeling the stretch in the backs of your legs, inhale and as you exhale stretch a little more. Inhale and return to the start by bending your legs.
Repeat this 3 times.
Back Stretch
AeroPilates machine on 1 cord
Sit on your AeroPilates platform facing the front as close to the end as is comfortable, put both feet on the center of the footbar your hands on the bar outside your feet and lower your torso over your legs. Inhale and straighten your legs a few inches, exhale as you pull on the footbar with your hands attempting to push your upper back and torso back. You will feel the stretch in your back. Inhale and as you exhale try to pull and stretch a little more, inhale and return to the start.
Repeat this 3 times.
Advanced Hamstring Stretch (Russian Split)
AeroPilates machine on 2 cords
Carefully stand on the platform of your Aeropilates machine facing the front with your right foot against the shoulder pad and place both hands and your left foot on the footbar. Inhale and as you exhale try to push back with your right foot and straighten your left leg, inhale and as you exhale go back a little more feeling more of a stretch in the hamstring of the front leg. Inhale and exhale a little more attempting to straighten the leg. Inhale and return to the start.
Repeat this on the other side.
![Marjolein Brugman Marjolein Brugman](
Marjolein Brugman is the founder of lighterliving and Aeropilates. “lighterliving is a movement and lifestyle choice we can all make. Let’s make it simple – make one decision a day to be better and watch the small steps lead to big changes. Eat smart, stay active, and you’ll live to feel a lighter life."