The terrifying transition from work to retirement.
As you know I am turning 65 this coming May!
I always planned to retire at 65 and have diligently saved accordingly with a gratifyingly well mapped-out, responsible plan. Recently however, the morning after my son Louis spent his first night in his newly appointed dorm room, I awoke early with panic in my heart.
Suddenly I felt an urgent need to simplify my life and act on my long, well thought out exit strategy but what would I do without my old friends, my family and everything familiar that I have built over the last 35 years?.
Filled with many questions about what this looked like and I went for a jog in the rain. Running has always provided a meditative guidance as to what to do next. I ran all over the beautiful campus realizing with huge relief that I could actually now really sell my city home and move on.
This past summer was fun-filled with visiting family, friends and offspring. Miraculously, my gorgeous, brave 95 year old Dad once again made is valiant trip across the world from Australia to spend 6 weeks with us. My daughter turned 30 and my son left for college. Many beautiful memories and lots of changes! Is change risky and scary or is it simply a new adventure to embark on?
It dawned on me a few times that this might be the last summer we would all be together on the east coast but it wasn’t until that morning in Indiana when the new plan began to unfold and feel real. I started to imagine one home, less maintenance, a smaller more manageable garden and a beautiful sunny climate all year. An immediate sense of relief came over me and I realized the time had come to sell, consolidate and simplify.
That is exactly what I am working on.
I’d love to hear your stories of transition and their outcomes.

Marjolein Brugman is the founder of lighterliving and Aeropilates. “lighterliving is a movement and lifestyle choice we can all make. Let’s make it simple – make one decision a day to be better and watch the small steps lead to big changes. Eat smart, stay active, and you’ll live to feel a lighter life."